Goddess HQ Special
What Is Far Infrared Heat?
Far infrared is a specific wavelength of light that deeply penetrates the skin and heats the body up from inside.
Why Is It So Popular?
Because of the deep penetration of the light, there are many more healing properties than regular heat saunas.
What infrared is in MiHIGH
Your MiHIGH Infrared Sauna Blanket is lined with infrared heating wires that penetrate through your skin while you relax.
Enjoy 6 Benefits From Just One Session in your infrared sauna blanket
There’s a reason that infrared saunas are becoming more and more popular. FAR infrared heat has been proven for its wide range of benefits, all in just one treatment.
Clearer skin
Better sleep
Calorie burn
Reduce stress
£55 per hour